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Game Based Learning plays an important role in teaching and learning.

Gaming creates a dynamic that can inspire learners to develop skills and build an emotion connection to learning and subject matter.

Why is it important to engage with learning at home and how can games based learning help achieve this?

What are the benefits of game based learning?

Games can assist students to become confident and independent thinkers.

According to Aarti Dadheech, Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, JIET Group of Institutions in India:

One of the key aspects of game-based learning is that each student receives immediate feedback on their performance, with suggestion on how they might improve.

Why should children do additional learning at home?

Parents play a crucial role in supporting children learning, and additional learning at home is strongly and consistently associated with better academic outcomes.

The Education Endowment Foundation suggests that effective parental engagement can lead to gains of +3 months over the course of a year.

Elsewhere, analysis has found learning outside the classroom has a range of benefits. It can inspire and reignite enthusiasm and make the curriculum more engaging for students.

Benefits of additional learning include:

  •  Improve academic achievement
  •  Provide a bridge to higher learning
  •  Develop skills and independence in a widening range of environment
  •  It makes learning more engaging and relevant young people
  •  Provide opportunity to learning through play
  •  Reduced behaviour issues
  •  Inspiration and improved motivation
  •  Increased attendance
  •  Ability to deal with a broader range of tasks
  •  Improve young people’s attitude to learning

What are the benefits of games based learning at home?

Involvement in education outside of the classroom has a direct correlation to improved results.

Further, through games based learning it is more fun and engaging for the child, meaning they have a greater desire to take part and improve. As results are submitted digitally, it delivers instant feedback and student can quickly learn from mistakes.

If done as homework, teachers can save on marking, while also being able to quickly assemble feedback and a development plan for their students.

Through EDArcade you have access to more than 100 games – core subjects such as Maths, English and Science; as well as PSHE topics including British Values and Bullying. Available in more than 20 different languages, it can help ESOL pupils more quickly adapt to UK education.

Read more: Top 10 educational games to keep children occupied

For more information, call 01909 776906.