How to support a child with ADHD in education

Reading time: 4 minutes

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a complex neurodivergent challenge that children present to parents and teachers. It’s important to understand their needs and accommodate what suits them so they can achieve the best experiences and outcomes.

EDClass spoke to the founder and CEO of ADHD Advocate, Stephanie Camilleri to discuss the challenges of ADHD and what strategies we can implement to overcome certain barriers. Stephanie was a former lawyer and transitioned to educating and inspiring about ADHD following the diagnosis of her daughter and herself.


5 reasons why celebrating student success is important

Reading time: 3 minutes

Supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes in education can present difficulties. However, we must consider a child’s thoughts, and feelings and provide positive behaviour reinforcement whilst celebrating their successes to instil confidence and self-esteem.


The importance of choosing the right provision for students

Reading time: 3 minutes

EDClass had the privilege of speaking with the designated safeguarding person from Featherstone Academy, Barry Eaton, to discuss their use of the platform, what challenges they had and the benefits that have been evident since implementing the system for their students.

Featherstone Academy has been using the EDClass system since 2015 and the platform has successfully supported and reintegrated students on suspension or who had mental health challenges.


3 reasons reading is essential for development

Reading time: 3 minutes

The pandemic caused a massive loss in learning, particularly reading. Pupil’s mental health and well-being were also impacted and improving this will still take time. It’s crucial to support children’s development and aspirations and this can be initiated by implementing fundamental reading skills.


5 reasons early intervention is important for student well-being

Reading time: 3 minutes

Supporting students’ well-being is crucial if they are to have the best educational experiences and outcomes. We all know how difficult it can be to overcome mental health challenges, particularly for children in their developmental stages of life. But, we must support them as best as possible so they benefit long term.


5 Tips for conquering exam stress

Reading time: 2 minutes

Exam season can invite pressure, stress and anxiety in students that can be difficult to overcome. However, with a bit of patience, support and guidance you can ensure that you smash whatever exam crosses your path. We take a look at five ways you can calm your nerves and approach your next examination with confidence.

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