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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex illness defined by intense exhaustion that lasts for at least six months. This diagnosis is done when an underlying medical condition cannot completely explain this tendency. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown. The tiredness is made worse by any exertion, whether physical or mental, yet it does not improve by resting.

There are some hypotheses floating around on what might be the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. These range from viral infections to psychological strain. Some professionals think that a confluence of many circumstances might cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

What causes CFS?

Researchers have hypothesized that some of the following may be important factors:

  • Viruses
  • A weakened immune system
  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalances

There is also the possibility that some persons have a genetic disposition that makes them more likely to develop CFS.

Even though CFS may occasionally develop after an infection caused by a virus, no specific kind of infection has been identified as the cause of CFS. Conditions produced by the following viruses have been investigated for their possible links to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS):

  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • Human herpesvirus 6
  • Ross River virus (RRV)
  • Rubella virus

Infections brought on by bacteria, such as Coxiella burnetii and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, have also been investigated for possible links with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
It has been hypothesized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a trusted source, that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) may represent the culmination of some distinct diseases, as opposed to a single illness.

About one in ten patients with an infection caused by EBV, Ross River virus, or Coxiella burnetii will develop a condition that satisfies the criteria for a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition, experts believe that people who have experienced severe symptoms with any of these three viruses are more likely to develop CFS in the future.

Some people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) have compromised immune systems. However, medical professionals are unsure whether this is sufficient to trigger onset of the condition.
People who have chronic fatigue syndrome may also have aberrant hormone levels. Even medical professionals cannot determine whether or not this is important at this point.

How does it affect people, especially students?

CFS may impact a student’s ability to attend class, connect with their classmates, complete tasks, and overall perform well academically.

Students with CFS may have a wide range of symptoms, which may shift from day to day and week to week for individual students. Therefore, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the specific requirements of each pupil. The most effective way is to distribute workload, for instance, by collaborating with the student, the student’s parents or guardians, administrators, or a school counsellor, better results can be produced.

Symptoms of students suffering from CFS

  • Such students require more time to finish examinations and turn in assignments seem listless, sluggish, rundown, and inattentive experience depression or anxiety need an individualised educational plan or a 504 education plan (IEP)
  • They have difficulty interacting with other students due to their symptoms and absences from class.
    What can be done to help in the case of CFS?
  • Decreasing the amount of coursework and information overload as much as possible, allowing the student to take notes slowly, and being patient with them, particularly in the morning when CFS symptoms are often at their worst.
  • Advising the student to get help from a tutor if they are having problems keeping up with their homework.
  • Providing time extensions for tests and projects, and providing time management tools such as organisers and planners to students.
  • The symptoms experienced by each individual are unique, and they may need a diverse range of treatments to control the disease and alleviate their symptoms effectively.
  • Collaborate with the other healthcare team members to design the most effective treatment plan possible for the patient. They can discuss with you the potential advantages of the therapy as well as any potential drawbacks.


Early interdisciplinary collaboration can help adapt education and social life at school for students with CFS/ME. This may help teachers, counsellors, and school nurses prevent losses related to academic and social development in students with CFS/ME. Chronic fatigue syndrome, often known as CFS or ME, is a debilitating condition that significantly affects young people’s ability to attend school, education, and social life. It’s possible that the understanding of CFS/ME in schools will be affected by the lack of clarity regarding its aetiology. Therefore, school employees require information from health care professionals to properly accommodate these children’s educational needs and participation in school and social life.