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Exclusion can be potentially detrimental to a child’s education and their future prospects. There could be several reasons why a student may be at risk of exclusion which can subsequently impact their mental health, attendance and attainment levels.

A conscious effort needs to be made to provide positive behaviour reinforcement for these students so they can understand how to behave appropriately. Also, steps towards a successful reintegration should always be aimed for. Could this be through the use of an online learning and hybrid approach model? Here are 5 reasons why online learning can help students at risk of exclusion in an off-site direction.

1. Personalised Online Learning

Online learning platforms provide students with personalised learning experiences, allowing them to learn at their own pace and in a way that is best suited to their individual needs and abilities. This can be particularly beneficial for students who have been excluded from school, as it can help them to feel more confident and successful in their studies.

2. Reduced Anxiety

The social environment of a traditional classroom can be a source of anxiety for students who are at risk of exclusion. Online learning can provide a more supportive and less stressful learning environment, which can help students focus on their studies and reduce their anxiety levels.

3. Improved Focus and Attention

Online learning can provide students with more control over their learning environment, reducing distractions and allowing them to focus on the task at hand. This can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with distractions or impulsive behaviours in traditional classrooms.

4. Increased Motivation and Engagement

Online learning can offer students a wider range of educational resources and activities, making learning more engaging and stimulating. This can help students who may have become disengaged from traditional classroom settings to find renewed motivation for their education.

5. Potential for Reduced Exclusion Rates

By providing a variety of support and resources, online learning can help to reduce the rates of exclusion for students who are at risk. This can lead to better academic outcomes and improved life chances for these students.

Using an effective alternative provision

“Alternative Provision’ (AP) refers to suitable full-time education that is arranged for a pupil from the sixth school day (or earlier) of a suspension or the sixth school day (or earlier) after a permanent exclusion. In other circumstances, alternative provision may refer to education arranged for pupils who are unable to attend mainstream or special school and who are not educated at home, whether for behavioural, health, or other reasons. Alternative provision includes PRUs, alternative provision academies and free schools, and hospital schools, as well as a variety of independent, registered, unregistered and further education.”

AP can provide endless possibilities to reignite a student’s passion for learning if appropriate measures are in place. Suitable settings need to be chosen for each student which can vary on each case. Finding the most suitable solution should be done by undertaking due diligence and scrutinising each provision to ensure they have effective safeguarding measures, tracking tools and high-quality education.

Online alternative provision, such as EDClass, can allow students to learn at their own pace alleviating any mental health challenges, such as anxiety. Students can then concentrate solely on their studies with one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers. Also, every effort is made to positively reintegrate these students once they feel comfortable.

If you would like to learn more about how EDClass’s effective online alternative provision can assist, send an email to, call 01909 568338 or enquire for more information here.