Reading time: 3 minutes

Exclusion is used as a last resort for very challenging situations, however, it has a massive impact on the student that can last for their entire lives. Seeking other ways to address the behavioural challenges that lead to exclusion is always the priority, but sometimes that is not enough. If a student is on the path to exclusion, we must give them the support they need to try and resolve the issue and find a different approach.

Here are 3 ways you can support students who are struggling and likely to be excluded from school if nothing changes.

1. Discuss the problem with the parents and family

Research has been undertaken on the behavioural challenges that lead to exclusion, and one of the key elements in addressing the issue effectively involves the student’s family in the process. By bringing the family together and holding an open discussion about the problem, the underlying issue can be addressed both at school and home.

This process can often uncover the source of issues, but in general, involving other family members brings additional support that can make the situation manageable for the student. While this alone cannot solve the issues entirely, they can provide a solid foundation for other support strategies to help the student understand and overcome their problems.

2. Seek out vocational options for the student

Sometimes a break from the educational process can be helpful. Vocational solutions not only offer that, but put the student in a very different environment with new behavioural rules and responsibilities. This approach can have a significant impact on the student and help them address their issues, and eventually even return to the classroom.

The key here is whether the student or vocational opportunity is suitable. Care must be taken to ensure that a student is not simply ‘moved on’, but rather the vocational placement offers a learning experience that is valuable for all parties.

3. Taking Responsibility for their own behaviour

One of the common ways in which students justify the kind of behaviour that leads to exclusion is to blame others. From their peers to parents, authority figures of all kinds and individual teachers, there is someone to blame. However, research has shown that by working with the student to help them take responsibility for what they have done, it can be easier to find solutions to improve behaviour moving forwards.

This can be accomplished with a range of behavioural management techniques, such as targets for good behaviour, record and monitor their overall performance and techniques to cope with difficult situations as they encounter them. Together these processes to help each student manage and monitor their issues can begin the road to change that prevents exclusion.


Avoiding exclusion is the best outcome for all parties, and it is always worth the time and effort needed to support the student. With tools to manage problem behaviour, family support and even alternative solutions such as vocational studies as a temporary option, there are ways we can help any student overcome their issues and address the problems they face.

If you have students who are at risk of exclusion, then why not use an effective online alternative provision, such as EDClass, to support them. EDClass prioritise the safety of learners on the platform with fully integrated safeguarding mechanisms. Students can also take advantage of specific behaviour repair lessons and a positive reintegration can be achieved following the use of the platform. Attendance codes can also be claimed by schools to maintain their reputation and also support their budgets.

If you would like to learn more about EDClass then call the team on 01909 568338, send an email to, directly book here or by clicking the image below. 

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