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Some pupils may think they have it by not going into school and instead being dependent on online education. But complacency must be avoided – and that’s where the live classroom comes in.

The benefit of the live classroom means that students can receive bespoke lessons to enable them to achieve their goals. Live classrooms ensure you don’t get caught out again.

What are the benefits of live classroom and how can they help to ensure pupils remain on target with their education?

Benefits of virtual classrooms

Virtual classrooms were originally designed in order to support hard to reach learners. Live classrooms broadcast online can educate learners who have difficulty attending a mainstream provision.

These learners include:

  •  Suspended students
  •  Those who suffer from anxiety
  •  Home educated
  •  School phobic
  •  Inclusion units 
  •  Students with mental health issues
  •  Students requiring one-to-one support
  •  School refusers
  •  Demotivated students
  •  Students who are vulnerable
  •  Students with long-term sickness
  •  Those with persistent absence
  •  Students in a targeted group

Ultimately, the current situation means almost any student can benefit from a virtual classroom. Schools are temporarily closed to most students – however virtual classrooms mean schools are still open if setbacks occur.

Tailor live teaching to the needs of your students

One key benefit of virtual classroom that learning can be tailored to the need of one student or a group of students – meaning that the quality of the education they receive is high quality.

Jane Horsfield, part of the engagement team at Sheffield Inclusion Centre, said:

Most of my students have huge gaps in their academic knowledge and all have different learning needs. I monitor and support their learning by using EDVirtual. I am the virtual teacher to the students with my own online classroom where I can have students work independently or I can be actively teaching students through using the EDLounge resources anywhere in the city.

Each pupil follows a pathway of learning tailored to their needs and the system allows me to set up timetables, assign lessons, monitor individual and group progress whilst ensuring the child’s safety is not placed at risk.

Jane Horsfield, Sheffield Inclusion Centre

About EDVirtual

EDLounge launched EDVirtual in 2016. The system meant that schools could benefit from the virtual classroom approach and support a range of learners inside and outside of school.

You can use your own staff, mentors and support staff – alongside EDLounge’s team of highly skilled teachers. The beauty of a virtual classroom is that it can educate users in any location.

EDLounge services are constructed with safeguarding as the number one priority. Our safeguarding mechanisms ensure educators have peace of mind when delivering lessons to off-site students whilst monitoring their behaviour and safety. 

Lessons can be performed via a live classroom or as recorded sessions. 

For more information on EDVirtual live classrooms, call 01909 568 338.