To minimise classroom attendance, a strategy of blended learning is advised by the leader of the teachers’ union.
Significant changes need to be made in schools in order to teach through Covid-19. Schools in England are beginning to reopen – but things are very different with a host of new safety measures now in place and coming into place.
It’s up to schools to decide how to open safely and the Government has issued guidelines on the types of measures necessary to ensure safety for teachers and children in the classroom.
But what are these guidelines and what does the post-coronavirus school look like? This blog post explains.
Government guidelines: how to implement measures in education
To teach through Covid-19, your school will need to follow Government guidelines, which were updated on 1st June.
Smaller class sizes:
The Government has said that primary school children should not be taught in groups larger than 15. This limit also applies on vulnerable children and children of key workers who are attending from other year groups.
In secondary schools where schools are returning in mid-June, the guidelines state that only a quarter of pupils should be physically in school at any one time.
Regular cleaning:
The guidelines say that hand sanitiser should be provided for students where sinks are not readily available (e.g. a classroom).
Any areas that are touched by several different people during the day – desks, chairs, doors, sinks and light switches – now must be cleaned regularly.
Do not share resources:
The guidelines state that children should be provided with their own personal equipment where necessary.
Some schools may interpret this differently, but it could mean that pupils continue to use iPads and other technology so that they do not have to share textbooks.
The Government recommends toys, books and outdoor equipment has been shared unless it has been cleaned regularly.
Social distancing:
Guidelines accept it is not always going to be possible to keep children two metres apart at all times, but schools that are reopening should take steps to keep them apart where possible.
A recommendation by the Government is to implement a one-way system so that students do not mix outside the classroom.
Stickers on the floor indicator how close together children can get in corridors and desks should be removed so that children can sit two metres apart.
Games and sports at break times are limited so that equipment is not shared and conversations held at a distance.
Arriving and departing school:
In order to teach through Covid-19, staggered start times and finish times are also recommended.
This is so children from different classes do not mix as they arrive at school.
Encouragement is made to parents to walk or cycle to school to reduce strain on public transport.
Parents are also no longer allowed on school property to reduce the risk of infection.
You can read more information on the guidelines here.
How EDLounge can help you teach through Covid-19
By utilising online learning you can help pupils catch up on the work that they have missed. EDLounge’s blended learning facility means your students have access to learning materials, assessments and quizzes.
Our platform features a sophisticated tracking system and pupil feedback can be provided instantly.
Safeguarding is EDLounge’s number one priority. A number of alert mechanisms help to keep pupils safe, including an alarm, access to teachers and eyes-on learning.
Call 01909 5368 338 for more information.