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The potential harm exclusions may do to a school’s finances and image should only be used as a last option. This exemplifies the need for alternate provisions to prevent the exclusion of children from educational programmes.

The employment of critical workers to provide kids with assistance for their personal development and to communicate with their parents or other caretakers about the student’s academic progress and how well they are doing.

Parents welcome this assistance and gain from being able to praise and understand how to help with their children’s behaviour, which is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Impact of alternative approaches for alternative provisions

The provision of alternative schools is an integral component of our education system that is constantly being expanded. It is estimated that around 45,000 students are taught in alternative provision schools annually; this number does not seem to be decreasing, even though there is generally an underlying logic of inclusion.

In point of fact, during the same period that New Labour placed emphasis on and was ultimately successful in reducing the number of students who were excluded from school, the number of students who were housed in pupil referral units (which are considered to be a form of alternative provision) significantly increased.

Because of the rebellious nature of the issue that traditional schools cannot meet the needs of all of their students, there is a pressing need to go extensively into the subject of alternative provider education and develop an influential body of theory in this area.

Current Problems with Alternative approaches

There are many various kinds of students who need to be educated. Therefore, alternative education provision was created to meet their needs. Pupils who have been permanently barred from attending regular schools constitute a separate and unique group. When New Labour was in power, one of their primary goals was to improve the education of this particular class of students.

How can students be supported?

Providing AP, despite some parents’ concerns before their children began AP, once the children were comfortable in their placements, most parents believed that their kids benefitted from the smaller class sizes, a new start, and more individualised assistance.

Students come to AP for various reasons, ranging from exclusion to referral because of an AP’s ability to manage complex special education and related disorders (SEND), including autism and SEMH. AP is a hugely diverse sector that provides various placement types to students who come for these reasons.

It is possible to increase the accuracy of assessments and make the referral process more straightforward for young people by engaging in collaborative decision-making on AP placements via multi-agency panels and forums. Providing young people with a single referral route accompanied by an appropriate and continuing evaluation of their needs may be accomplished via collaborative decision-making, which involves all the necessary partners.

Referrers do not need to contact various organisations or providers using a single referral channel, and providers do not experience an overwhelming volume of recommendations. A single referral pipeline prohibits some referrers from overloading or exclusively addressing a specific AP, guaranteeing that the offering is correctly suited to every kid.

Some evidence suggests that students are more likely to benefit from and be motivated by educational programmes that give them chances to connect with the community at large. Little empirical data support the advantages of supplementary programmes that include physical activities.

Consequences of exclusions

Exclusions may have various knock-on effects. Alternative provisions, which aim to keep children safe while ensuring they continue their education, are significant. Not included, children risk being involved in criminal activity and exploited by gangs and county borders.

Children who are not had are more likely to give in to demands and be affected by elements from the outside world. Using alternative services may save financial outlays while ensuring children are securely watched during school hours.

It is of the utmost importance that children have a secure environment where they may continue their education and acquire the essential credentials that will enable them to have a better life.


The significant adverse effects that may be inflicted on schools and exclusions are often considered a last resort. When a school’s reputation is damaged, it may impact its public image, leading to fewer parents desiring to send their children to that facility.

Students may be kicked out of school for various reasons, the most common of which is repeated instances of disruptive or unsatisfactory behaviour during educational settings.

If you would like an online alternative provision that takes safeguarding as its highest priority, allows attendance codes to be claimed and actively supervises students with UK-qualified teachers assisting academic development and wellbeing then look at EDClass. You can book a free online demonstration here, call the team on 01909 568 338 or send an email to