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Online curriculum needs to be as engaging as possible when online learning takes place. Online learning can offer several advantages over traditional face-to-face learning, such as flexibility, convenience, and affordability. However, one of the challenges of online learning is keeping students engaged.

Ofsted has highlighted how high-quality education should be provided if children are to fulfil their true potential. The school inspection handbook states:

“365. Inspectors will consider: · the extent to which leaders ensure that pupils benefit from a well-planned and sequenced, well-taught, broad and balanced curriculum”

Some students benefit greatly from learning online; there needs to be a focus on a successful reintegration though. This can only be done with a culmination of several factors such as pastoral support, tracking impact and providing an engaging curriculum.

Here are a few tips on how to keep the curriculum engaging for those learning online:

· Make the curriculum relevant to students’ lives. Students are more likely to be engaged in learning if they can see how the material is relevant to their lives. Try to connect the curriculum to real-world examples and applications. You can also ask students to share their own experiences and perspectives.

· Break up the content into smaller chunks. People have shorter attention spans online, so it’s important to break up your content into smaller, more manageable pieces. This could involve using short video lessons, interactive activities, or quizzes.

· Interact as much as you can. Students learning online may benefit from asynchronous learning but will need guidance and support with their studies. It’s good to keep interacting with students and asking them questions so they remain engaged and focused.

· Gamify your learning. Gamification is the process of using game-design elements and principles in non-game contexts. It can be a powerful tool for motivating learners and keeping them engaged. There are several ways to gamify your online courses, such as awarding points and badges for completing tasks, creating leaderboards, and offering rewards for high achievement.

Use an integrative curriculum with an online alternative provision

An online alternative provision, such as EDClass, can help successfully reintegrate students when the parameters dictate for it to do so.

An effective online alternative provision should have tracking, evidencing, safeguarding and teaching support all implemented for students and schools. Tracking the impact of the progress of students academically and pastorally is crucial if there is to be a successful reintegration.

In addition to this, the curriculum needs to be extensive and engaging with continuous assessment integrated. This is so students’ knowledge can be assessed so they fully know what they are learning.

If you would like to learn about a platform that provides one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers for students online then call EDClass on 01909 568338, send an email to or book a free online demonstration here.