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Building meaningful relationships can play a fundamental role in ensuring a student feels more confident in their academic ability and well-being. We must find common ground with students, parents and families so everyone involved can have better experiences in education.

How can we achieve this? In this blog, we’ll delve into strategies you can look at implementing to build effective relationships with your students. Firstly, government guidance states:

Similar to staff in schools and colleges, the staff and volunteers working with children in these settings will often play an important role in building relationships, identifying concerns, and providing direct support to children; they can often be the first trusted adult to whom a child reports abuse. Therefore, many of these organisations will have a crucial role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.”

Building relationships with students can allow them to feel more inclined to express their thoughts and feelings more easily to adults they trust. This can open discussions concerning trauma, abuse or other safeguarding incidents. Subsequently, this can lead to improved self-esteem and academic capabilities.

1. Building trust and rapport

A core component of building relationships is building trust and rapport. You can do this by engaging in a student’s likes and interests and asking questions about what they are passionate about. By doing this, students will want to communicate with you more; make sure to revolve back to academic development.

In addition to this, make sure to share your interests or a funny anecdote about yourself. This way you will be more relatable and more approachable for your students.

2. Celebrating successes to build relationships

Acknowledging a student’s achievements can be a good way of building meaningful relationships. Positive behaviour reinforcement can motivate your students to overcome any challenges they may be facing.

Furthermore, it’s important to create additional opportunities for students to excel with their strengths to showcase their talent. This can allow students to thrive in education and encourage them to continue to learn respectfully.

3. Be approachable at all times

Having an open-door policy or encouraging students to communicate with you whenever they require support can allow them to feel more inclined to build relationships with you. Make yourself available all the time for any questions, conversations or support your students are seeking.

Having a relaxed demeanour can also make you seem more approachable. Nobody wants to go and speak to the ‘mean-looking’ teacher! Be positive and receptive to your students so they can offer their opinions confidently without fear of repercussions.

4. Active listening

Engaging in conversation with your students and actively listening to what they are saying can help build relationships. Allow your students to voice their thoughts and you may notice what is causing them anxiety or something that is challenging them. This can help foster a sense of belonging in the school community as they feel valued and welcomed by you.

5. Offer effective solutions

Coinciding with active listening, suitable solutions can be provided once you discover what concerns or worries your students may be currently having. You can then find what their strengths and weaknesses are and offer a flexible learning pathway or a type of education that accommodates their specific needs. This could be remote or hybrid learning, using part-time timetables effectively or any other method that suits them.

If a student is having mental health or behavioural challenges or is struggling to attend a mainstream setting you could also consider an online alternative provision, like EDClass. Having one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers is essential if a student is to have better educational experiences and outcomes. Conduct due diligence and find what works best for you and your students.

If you would like to learn about EDClass and what it can offer call 01909 568338, send an email to or enquire for more information here.