Need to make an announcement to your entire school? Under current guidance, whole school assemblies are unwise under the new bubble system. It could mean virtual assemblies can help students understand specific guidance.
This blog post takes a look at how you can do assemblies and make announcements virtually.
Limit class sizes where appropriate
The Government guidance for returning school to full capacity states:
Minimising contacts and mixing between people reduces transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is important in all contexts and schools must consider how to implement this. Schools must do everything possible to minimise contacts and mixing while delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
The overarching principle to apply is reducing the number of contacts between children and staff. This can be achieved through keeping groups separate (in ‘bubbles’) and through maintaining the distance between individuals.
This poses issues in terms of making announcements. Assemblies can be difficult as historically a whole year group (or in primary schools, the entire school) would be present.
How to get messages across
By recording your assemblies and lessons, you make announcements digital via video format to your school or year group on the online platform they are familiar with.
This face-to-face action has a much stronger impact, than if it were just released in an email or bulletin within the VLE to students.
You can ensure the announcement is understood and request feedback where appropriate.
How EDClass can help with assemblies and announcements
EDClass can help with the above, with the option to add your video – such as virtual assemblies – to the system and allow access to specific or all students.
The online learning platform is perfect to help students catch up – with 11,000 lessons available and access to live and recorded lessons.
You can set core subjects as homework, as well as having a digital contingency in place in the event of a local lockdown or if a year group is required to self-isolate.
A sophisticated tracking system means you can monitor whether a student has completed learning material and instant feedback on their results means you know whether the information has been understood.
Safeguarding is part-and-parcel of the system, with alert mechanisms, questionnaires, chat functions and eyes-on learning ensuring the student is protected when working from home – allowing you to feel comfortable that you are meeting your safeguarding requirements.
For more information call 01909 568338. Or request a demo here.