Reading time: 3 minutes

Reintegrating students who have been out of circulation for a lengthy or even a short period can often be challenging. Below we suggest 3 ways in which pupils can positively be reintegrated back into the school environment.

1. Make FULL use of your school’s reward system.

Having completed a significant piece of pupil voice research recently, it became apparent that recognition of positive behaviour (No matter what the age of the pupil) was always well received. This can take place in several forms – entering ‘Positive’ events onto your school’s online behaviour platform, sending positive postcards home when the pupil in question has done a particularly good piece of work, and the use of positive report cards to be filled in after each lesson to gain an overview of how successful a student’s reintegration has been. The methods suggested above have the greatest impact when regular dialogue is in place between the school and the parent/guardian.

2. Use extra-curricular opportunities that are offered within the school.

Not only does this significantly enhance the student’s experience whilst, at school, but it also occupies a lot of free time which is embedded into any school day- before school, at lunchtime and after-school. This is often the time when pupils who are being reintegrated may get involved in less-than-desirable behaviour! Finally, as we all know, this setting is one of the best opportunities teachers have to get these pupils ‘on-side’. It may even be worth the school making one extra-curricular club (of the pupil’s choice) non-voluntary as part of their conditions of return to the establishment…

If this method is to successfully help reintegrate the child a variety of opportunities must be offered throughout the school day. What do YOUR pupils actually want? A game of dodgeball could be offered for 15 minutes before school, a computing and gaming club could take place for 15 minutes at lunchtime whilst music lessons could be offered at the end of the school day. If the clubs are exciting and engaging the pupils will come! 

3. Seating plans!

An exceptionally ‘boring’ way to aid a positive integration but it is essential. Make sure these pupils (Who need as much structure and support as possible) aren’t having to cope with their friends distracting them. Ensure they are sat next to someone you consider a positive influence; seat them at the back or at the front (Mixed results) but, whatever you do, don’t let them sit next to a friend! Remember that the same seating plan doesn’t have to be in place for months on end – mix it up regularly so ALL pupils don’t become too comfortable and form over-familiar relationships, which can then lead to off-task conversation.

EDClass paves the way for a positive reintegration

One of EDClass‘ main aims is to positively integrate students, or as close as possible, back into a mainstream setting. Students benefit from working in a comfortable setting and can acquire one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers during learning.

A pastoral wraparound approach is also considered by EDClass’ team which allows students to positively reintegrate when they are ready. If you would like a free online demonstration of the platform then call 01909 568338, send an email to, book here or by climbing the image below. 

EDClass free demo page