With exam season approaching fast, teachers must implement effective support so learners can reach their targets. However, we must not solely focus on academic progress as this could lead to burnout. Therefore, it’s a good idea to take a step back and embed a strategy that supports learner’s well-being whilst they embark on their revision schedules.
Firstly, a broad and balanced curriculum must be integrated for learners with high-quality resources and continuous assessment throughout. Revision is an important part of the implementation phase to show real intent and impact as it evidences that learners are retaining and applying knowledge.
Let’s be honest, exams can be daunting, but with the right preparation and support for learners, they can be approached with confidence. Let’s look at 10 proven revision tips to help learners achieve their educational potential:
1. Create a Clear Revision Timetable:
Support your learners by forming a structured and clear revision schedule that they can easily follow. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, ensuring all areas are covered. A structured timetable can allow learners to remain calm and tackle their revision with confidence.
2. Understand Learning Styles:
Make sure to work with your pupils individually to understand if they are visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic learners. Tailor revision methods to suit preferred learning styles
3. Break Down Large Topics:
Divide complex subjects into smaller, manageable chunks. Learners can then focus on one topic at a time, ensuring they fully understand the content before moving on. This prevents learners from feeling overwhelmed.
4. Active Recall is Key:
Make sure learners are being continuously assessed. Flashcards, quizzes, or practice questions to actively recall information. This strengthens memory and identifies areas that need more attention.
5. Use Mind Maps and Diagrams:
Visual aids can help learners organise and remember information. Mind maps can be great to connect ideas and diagrams to illustrate complex concepts.
6. Practice Past Papers:
Familiarisation with the exam format by practicing past papers is essential. This helps learners understand the types of questions asked and improves time management skills.
7. Regular Breaks:
Burnout can be avoided by taking short breaks during revision sessions. Make sure learners know to step away from their desks, get some fresh air, and relax. Breaks help maintain focus and improve concentration.
8. Teach Others:
Explaining concepts to someone else is a great way to solidify your understanding. Learners can ask friends, peers or family members to develop knowledge.
9. Create a Conducive Study Environment:
To mitigate stress, ensure there are quiet, well-lit spaces where learners can focus without distractions. Keep study areas organised and free from clutter.
10. Sleep and Well-being:
Adequate sleep is crucial for memory consolidation and cognitive function. Make sure learners know to eat healthy, stay hydrated, and ensure they get enough rest. Don’t forget to incorporate some form of exercise.
Effective revision is a continuous process. But we must realise that not every learner is going to engage with revision. What about the most vulnerable learners? What strategies have you embedded now so they can attain their target grades when exam season comes around? Would a different approach through early intervention support them?
Early intervention with EDClass
EDClass, as a DfE-accredited provider of online education can support learners with their education if they are struggling with mainstream education. The platform even includes effective revision tools that can alleviate pressure off staff and engage learners with one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers.
“Pupils typically have a positive view of EDClass. They specifically praised the way they can work on their learning without distraction and the quality of support they receive from subject-specialist teachers.”
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If you would like to learn more about EDClass, call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or enquire for more information here.