
5 reasons why online learning helps with students at risk of exclusion in off-site direction

Reading time: 3 minutes

Exclusion can be potentially detrimental to a child’s education and their future prospects. There could be several reasons why a student may be at risk of exclusion which can subsequently impact their mental health, attendance and attainment levels.

A conscious effort needs to be made to provide positive behaviour reinforcement for these students so they can understand how to behave appropriately. Also, steps towards a successful reintegration should always be aimed for. Could this be through the use of an online learning and hybrid approach model? Here are 5 reasons why online learning can help students at risk of exclusion in an off-site direction.

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5 benefits of online learning for off-site direction

Reading time: 3 minutes

The education sector is evolving and adapting to accommodate the specific needs of students. These students with medical, behavioural or mental health challenges need a solution that can allow them to thrive and reach their education potential.

Off-site direction is used to support students with primarily behavioural challenges that are hindering their academic progress and personal development. Could an online or hybrid approach be more suited to these types of learners so they can focus their attention on their education?

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Student behaviour and the link to hard news stories

Reading time: 3 minutes

Students misbehaving can be the result of a variety of different factors. We must drill to the core root of why a student is behaving like this and find a solution that suits all involved.

Trauma, mental health challenges, learning difficulties, the list goes on as to why a student may display disruptive behaviour. However, more prevalent issues could be why students misbehave and potentially lead to suspensions and exclusions. Examples could include the recent news of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the Russo-Ukrainian war.

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