
3 ways you can support students at risk of exclusion

Reading time: 3 minutes

Exclusion is used as a last resort for very challenging situations, however, it has a massive impact on the student that can last for their entire lives. Seeking other ways to address the behavioural challenges that lead to exclusion is always the priority, but sometimes that is not enough.

If a student is on the path to exclusion, we must give them the support they need to try and resolve the issue and find a different approach.

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5 Strategies to Reduce Exclusion

Reading time: 3 minutes

It is possible that protecting children from being expelled from school might safeguard them in several ways. A substantial body of data suggests that children barred from attending school are more likely to have negative life experiences.

Greater educational achievements and more chances for the future may be achieved by providing children with the resources they need to remain in school. This also helps to guarantee that children are kept in a secure setting. Concerns relating to a larger scale of disproportionality within the criminal justice system are equally pertinent to school exclusion.

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Exclusions: what can be done to help?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Exclusions can lead to several ramifications for both pupils and schools. What alternatives or solutions can be offered to help support them?

Schools have recently adopted a zero-stance policy on certain behaviours resulting in students becoming isolated from their peers. Some of the main reasons why students become excluded include:

– Violence or aggressive behaviour
– Bullying
– Verbal abuse
– Physical abuse
– Drugs
– Criminal activity
– Defiance and disobedience

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What are the risks of permanent exclusion?

Reading time: 4 minutes

The risks of permanent exclusion are far-reaching, as removing a student from the school-setting can have huge ramifications on the school.

But sometimes, the risk to the school and other pupils can far outweigh those risks.

But what is the process of permanent exclusion and what can be done to reduce the risks? This blog post explains.

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5 Simple Strategies…for Whole School Approaches to Reduce Exclusions

Reading time: 2 minutes

Creating safe spaces, perhaps manned by learning mentors, empathetic staff members or even older members of the student cohort can provide a place that feels safe and supportive for students who are about to ‘blow’.

A system can be agreed in advance with students likely to use such a resource to allow them to exit a lesson or situation that is proving triggering for them, on the understanding that work must be caught up and that consequences exist for the misuse.

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Avoiding the Need for Exclusion

Reading time: 2 minutes

There is a school of thought that suggests that all behaviour is communication. This may cause you to believe that certain students in your care are communicating, in no uncertain terms, that they do not wish to attend your school!

Anti-social behaviours, bullying, property damage and persistent disruption all communicate quite strongly to you, as a school leader, that you will need to exclude a student either temporarily or permanently in the not so distant future.

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5 Simple Strategies…for Reducing Exclusions

Reading time: 2 minutes

Reducing the number of exclusions within any school always serves as a key priority, with many different schools employing a wide ranging form of techniques to greater or lesser success.

Here we will be looking at 5 of the simplest strategies that serve as essential elements to the reduction of any school’s exclusion rates.

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Supporting pupils with challenging behaviour

Reading time: 3 minutes

The Ofsted annual report from 2012/13 states that, “…teachers can only teach well, and challenge pupils to do better routinely, if behaviour in class is orderly and attentive.”

This means that even low-level disruption such as incessant chatter, calling out, inattention and other seemingly minor behaviour issues will affect teaching standards in the classroom in general.

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Using the alternative curriculum to re-engage pupils and reduce exclusions

Reading time: 4 minutes

The reason I set up EDLounge was to help combat exclusions using an alternative curriculum. I strongly believe that every child under my care should have the appropriate learning tools available to them.

Ofsted states that “a supportive and stable school environment, and strong relationships between the school and parents were found to be important factors in preventing very young children from being excluded.”

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