
Behaviour management: the art of using a behaviour tracker

Reading time: 2 minutes

“Behaviour management is a subject that causes a lot of heat, and sometimes a lot less light”. That is the view of Ofsted’s Amanda Spielman, who made improving behaviour in schools one of her greatest priorities when she took over in office.

Monitoring behaviour can be the first step to eradicating bad behaviour from your classroom. Providing pupils with feedback backed up with results you can evidence is more likely to trigger a reaction from your students.

This is where a behaviour tracker comes in. But what is one and how can it help in your school? This blog post explains.

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Use positive reinforcement to encourage positive behaviour

Reading time: 2 minutes

Positive reinforcement has long been recognised as an effective method of encouraging positive behaviour in pupils and discouraging the negative.

In learning scenarios, positive reinforcement allows students to learn that desirable behaviour is valued whilst also demonstrating that undesirable behaviour such as refusal to work won’t receive attention or reward.

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5 simple ways…to reward students

Reading time: 2 minutes

There has been much research on the topic of just what it is that makes for an effective reward system; despite extensive academic literature on the subject (and debates that rage on between topics such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) rewards really needn’t represent a complex, time-consuming system that adds to your everyday pressures as a teacher.

Here are five ideas that work and require minimal effort on your part.

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5 Ways to Motivate Your Students to do Their Homework

Reading time: 2 minutes

Homework is something that the vast majority of student’s dread, and it is the least looked forward to at the end of the day. It can be equally frustrating for teachers as well, after all they want nothing more than to inspire students, and it is not often that homework does this.

However, there are ways that you can make homework that much more interesting for students, and these five tips will help you to discover how.

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Celebrating Victories in the Classroom

Reading time: 2 minutes

For any teacher, the balancing act in recognising every student’s achievement is a tough one. After all, schools, teachers and educational professionals have never faced more targets to hit and more metrics to yardstick their students against – whilst students themselves now know all too well of exactly how they’re performing compared to their peers and the wider averages.

For the less able in classes of mixed abilities, this can often result in far less frequent recognition – whilst the more able follow a cycle of achievement, and recognition (which then further bolsters their progression) – ultimately, this is the purest demonstration of a ‘self-fulfilling’ prophecy.

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5 Simple Strategies…for Managing Behaviour in the Corridor

Reading time: 3 minutes

Behaviour on the corridors of school is just as important as behaviour inside the classroom.

It can be disruptive and challenging for teachers when they are trying to teach a class where there is activity taking place on the corridors and there are particular times of the day when the corridors can be noisy areas where incidences of unacceptable behaviour can occur.

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Creating a Positive Behaviour Policy

Reading time: 4 minutes

There are two reasons why a school revisits their Behaviour Policy. The most benign of these is that the allotted time for review has arrived and the governors expect a revised copy for review. The second reason why a Behaviour Policy is up for review is that your school has been experiencing difficulties, either in behaviour, attendance or engagement and you need to take steps to address this.

Whichever angle you are coming at this issue from, now is the time to turn your Behaviour Policy into a Positive Behaviour Policy.

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Supporting Good Behaviour

Reading time: 3 minutes

Effective learning and effective teaching are the outcome of a classroom and school environment which is orderly. Pupil behaviour is as important as target setting or lesson planning and if discipline is an issue in a classroom, the attainment levels of all will be affected – whether they are misbehaving or not.

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Supporting pupils with challenging behaviour

Reading time: 3 minutes

The Ofsted annual report from 2012/13 states that, “…teachers can only teach well, and challenge pupils to do better routinely, if behaviour in class is orderly and attentive.”

This means that even low-level disruption such as incessant chatter, calling out, inattention and other seemingly minor behaviour issues will affect teaching standards in the classroom in general.

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5 Simple Strategies…to improve attendance

Reading time: 3 minutes

The correlation between attendance and attainment is hardly surprising, as The School Services Sourcebook identifies “Poor attendance means that students are not developing the knowledge and skills needed for later success” (Franklin et al, 2013).

With attendance being such an influential factor on a child’s education, we have put together our top strategies for improving school attendance…

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Rewards and sanctions – what works?

Reading time: 3 minutes

In the November issue of ED Journal, we discussed strategies to manage low level behaviour issues in the classroom. Balancing positive and negative was one of the key points mentioned, so in this issue we are going to look at how schools run rewards and sanctions and more importantly, discuss what actually works and what pupils perceive to be effective rewards and sanctions.

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5 Simple Strategies…to Manage Low-Level Behaviour Issues

Reading time: 3 minutes

Low-level behaviour issues are a daily occurrence in schools, with pupils causing disruptions through chair rocking, talking out of turn, note passing and pen tapping. One reason this behaviour should be taken seriously and intercepted is that ‘low-level disruption is what pupils do instead of learning’ (Bennett, 2009).

In the Continental Research Survey 2004, 71% of teachers and 62% of support staff identified constant low-level behaviour, such as chatting and leaving seats without permission, to be a factor that is most detrimental to a child’s learning. Here are our simple tips for managing this type of behaviour in the classroom.

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