
5 science facts to amaze your students

Reading time: 3 minutes

Students can have four, five or even six lessons during a day and some may feel that they are being bombarded with useless, irrelevant or even boring information. However, sometimes, it can take just one interesting fact or exciting anecdote to capture a student’s interest and ignite their passion for a subject. In this article, we have collated our five favourite science facts that will amaze and engage your students.

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20 unbelievable science facts that will shock you

Reading time: 4 minutes

Science is in the news every single day. From NHS stories, to issues with fracking, climate change, discoveries, nature and the solar system it is something which is unavoidable.

Science has benefits from helping us improve of way of life, our quality of life and helping others. It’s importance means it is compulsory from primary schools up to GCSE. To become a doctor it takes up to 14 years of training to become specialised.

In this unprecedented times, science is never out of the spotlight. And whether it’s chemistry, biology or physics you’re interested in – these unbelievable science facts will blow your mind.

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5 potential career paths for…chemistry students

Reading time: 2 minutes

While many students have an image in their minds of chemists as men in white coats, the reality is very different.

For a start, organisations such as WISE are encouraging more women into science-based careers, and more opportunities exist for women than ever before in fields relating to chemistry.

Also, although many chemistry-related career paths are based in laboratories, studying chemistry opens up a world of other opportunities too.

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World Health Day: Stay on top of KS3 and GCSE Science

Reading time: 2 minutes

7 April is World Health Day. The day celebrates the work of nurses, midwives, world leaders are more in their endeavours. Perhaps it is a timely day given the circumstances we are currently faced with.

How health can be positively and adversely affected by our actions. Many of these are explained to us throughout KS3 science and biology lessons. 

But what is World Health Day and how can KS3 and KS4 science help us understand our health?

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How to Raise Engagement in Science

Reading time: 2 minutes

Science has traditionally been a difficult subject to promote among many pupils. It’s viewed by some as difficult to understand and by others as not being relevant in day to day life. Many switch off when faced with chemical equations and theories and universities struggle to fill their science-based courses due to poor uptake at A level.

There is a way though to raise engagement in science and it’s being pioneered by the very people who are seen as elite and exclusive – scientists. Those who are carrying out research are using data more and more collected by school pupils through specific projects and the overall title given to this kind of work is ‘citizen science’.

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