What is PSHE?

Reading time: 3 minutes

PSHE is abbreviation of personal, social, health and economic education.

The national curriculum states that: all schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice

The subject helps children and young people grow and develop as individuals and as a member of families and social and economic communities.

What does it entail? This blog post explains.

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Things they teach you in PSHE to help you during isolation

Reading time: 3 minutes

PSHE could be fundamental to people’s physical and mental wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

Many of the subjects dominating the newsfeeds and timelines concerns subjects that were studied during PSHE lessons in primary and secondary school.

But what can we learn from PSHE during isolation? How can our learning help us pass the time and maintain our mental health?

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