How to support student challenges into GCSEs

Reading time: 3 minutes

Student behaviour and attendance have seen a recent decline in the past few years, particularly after returning from the pandemic. Year 11 can be a time of turmoil for many students during their most important year in secondary school, but what if we could implement early intervention strategies to combat these challenges?

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What to expect for 2023 GCSEs?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Examinations are quickly getting back to the pre-covid times. With normalcy, GCSE 2023, students have been facing a lot of anticipation regarding what they will be facing and what they can expect, especially since the government’s decision to reinstate the pre-covid examination grading scale.

GCSE exams are scheduled to be held during May and June of this year. If you too are wondering about the exams and have little to no idea, this blog will cover all aspects of the 2023 GCSE exams and will be answering some of the most-asked questions.

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What challenges do we face in alternative provisions?

Reading time: 4 minutes

One of the greatest issues facing all areas of education is funding and the stretch that is being placed on school budgets at all levels.

Many alternative provisions do not receive direct funding from the DfE and rely on daily rates paid directly by schools as their primary source of funding.

School budgets are being stretched more than they have been for years and we are faced with a situation where school leaders will be forced to make some difficult decisions. We may see that referrals to alternative provisions may be reprioritised within existing budgets.

As we move to a post-pandemic world we are all facing challenges across all areas of education. For many students, remote learning has worked well and they have engaged in education within a calm, purposeful environment with adequate IT access which does not have to be shared. But, this has not been the experience for many students within alternative provisions and those at risk of being referred.

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