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There’s a number of reasons why some of your students might be learning remotely.

Whether it is because they are vulnerable, are in a bubble forced to isolate or health anxiety has been triggered.

You can ensure a full teaching programme is available for pupils who are learning remotely. This blog post takes a look at how this would work.

How learning remotely might work in 2020-21

Government guidance has included a remote learning contingency in case of certain circumstances in 2020-21.

These include circumstances where a teacher/pupil encounters Covid-19 or cases in a local area increase.

Read more information here.

With a seamless transition to remote learning, education can continue without breaks. With Government funding supporting students, there is no excuse that your education can maximise student’s potential at all times.

Issues with existing remote learning

Many schools have offered a simplistic approach to remote learning. According to Microsoft, the biggest learning curve has been:

Within digital classrooms and lecture halls, remote teaching has undergone significant transformation in a matter of months. Soon after school buildings and campuses closed, educators realized they needed more than video conferencing capabilities to help shape their students’ learning outcomes. Now, online teaching has evolved from trying to recreate the school day to a more flexible system involving recorded and live sessions, homework help hours, and self-directed assignments.

Many schools were asked to transfer to remote learning overnight, which meant that some schools were not providing a system with interactivity at the fore. 

For educators, seeing all their students’ faces at the same time makes a big difference in student engagement, as well as social and emotional connection. Educators also need more options to ensure every student can participate and that every voice is heard.

A full teaching programme for pupils who are learning remotely was needed to build the interactivity and subsequently the engagement in learning to help people improve. A sophisticated tracking system for feedback benefits pupils as well as teachers to work out the learning potential of every student.

How EDClass can help with learning remotely

Students remote needs can be aided through EDClass.

In the event of local lockdowns or students needing to self-isolate, our digital learning platform means education can continue.

Teachers can set up tailored learning pathways for each students. Attendance and attainment are tracked through the sophisticated tracking platform.

Safeguarding is also a big part of the system; with alert mechanisms, questionnaires and eyes-on learning being used to identify any issues involving the learner.

Request a demonstration here.